Thursday, August 14, 2008

Signs of high blood sugar

The tell tale signs of high blood sugar are pretty much exclusive to the domain of unfortunate individuals known as diabetics.
The disease furthur divides into sub catagories of type 1, type 2 and gestational but never the less, the signs remain the same across the board. Anyone who is a diabetic will more than likely have experienced the signs of high blood sugar more than once so they will read nothing new here, except maybe a little extra clarification.

To anyone who has been feeling a little strange and whose family has a history of diabetes, you will do well to have yourself checked out by a professional, just to be on the safe side.
The tests are relatively inexpensive, quick and painless, so there really is nothing to worry about but on the upside you could be saving yourself a lot of trouble in the future by getting yourself looked at now.

So, what are the signs of high blood sugar? There are quite a few but the main ones are the real alarm bells as so to speak.

Continual tingling sensation in your hands and feet, mark my words, you will know if you have it. It feels like a heart beat in your hands. That sounds a little ridiculous but if the time comes, you will know.

Teeth remain sticky no matter how much you clean them. This is due the excess sugar continually circulating in your system and pouring out into your saliva.

Blurry or misty vision with a tingling sensation around the eyelids. Again, this has to do with the excess sugar flooding your body and literally finding its way everywhere.

Another symptom of high blood sugar that should be kept vigilance over, is poor healing. As your blood thickens, the smaller capillaries closer to your skins surface have a hard time receiving fresh blood and so healing is hampered. Diabetics are known for experiencing trouble with there feet. Small cuts and sores can take a lot longer to heal with advanced complications leading to gangrene and amputation.

The number one tell tale sign of high blood sugar, Frequent thirst. This is probably the most noticable of all the symptoms. It is not just a need for an extra glass or two of water, like how you feel on a hot day. This is far more ravenous. Continual need for liquids throughout the entire day and night, an insatiable beast that knows no bounds. This will be extremely appararent if or when the time comes.

For More Information about Diabetes!!!!!! Visit…….
For, Solution Visit

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